Retain/Retrieve/Manage Your Data

The system does not store any data which allows your school to be identified, it only stores the percentages you enter. This data is deleted unless you wish to retain it. If you choose to retain your data you will be assigned a passphrase which can be entered below to retrieve your data. Please note that we cannot help with forgotten passphrases.

Retain Your Data

Your data is not being retained.
Click the button to retain your data and get your passphrase.
Retain My Data

Retrieve Your Data

Enter your passphrase below to retrieve your data.

Clear Data

Clearing your data will stop anybody else using your computer from accessing it. If you have opted to retain your data it will not be deleted and can be retrieved by entering your passphrase.

Delete Data

If you are not retaining your data it will be deleted automatically (within 24 hours). Your data and any passphrase can be deleted now by typing 'delete' (all lower-case) in the box below and clicking the button, this can't be undone.